
7 Dynamite Video Marketing Tips

Video marketing is impossible to ignore. It is literally everywhere. From the moment you wake up and scroll through your social media pages to the minute you head to bed you cannot get away from video marketing.

However, just because you see it everywhere doesn’t mean you are going to stop what you are doing just to watch someone advertise a product or service. For that it takes some pre-production and smart planning.

Be Smart with Video Marketing

There are millions of videos on the web. If you aren’t creating something memorable no one will watch.

Smart dental practices understand the power of video marketing and are including it in the bigger picture.

That means adding video to social media posts and even email, yes email. With that being said there are dozens of ways to boost your video marketing skills with these easy to follow tips.

1. Adding Video to Email Messages

One of the best ways to stay out of the spam file is to add an interesting video to your email blasts.

People love video and will usually open a video in an email message, especially if it is included in the body of the message. When people see a snippet they will be more inclined to click to see more.

Ask your patients and your dental team what types of video clips they would open in an email message. You may be surprised to learn that it isn’t always coupons and discounts that attract the attention of patients and potential ones.

2. Video Text Message Marketing for Dentists

If you follow this dental marketing blog you will know how video text marketing is taking the world by storm. I mean who doesn’t open a text message with a video attached. Videos in text messages are mysterious and fun to open.

Dental marketing with video text messages is the best way to show off your dental practice as well. Moreover, it is a great way to boost your ROI or return on investment.

Try using snippets from other video clips. This will give you better value. Value is the key because you can edit small snippets to include in future dental advertising campaigns. You can also expand your library giving you a boost when it comes to search engine ranking.

3. Create a Series for Video Marketing

If you and your team like to play it up for the cameras why not consider producing a web series for your practice.

A video series for the web is one of the best ways to highlight your team members. For example, you could highlight a team member of the month and include a snippet in your latest video.

Showing off your team is also an excellent way to bring depth to every character in your cast as well. Bringing personality to your video series is easy when you have fun with it.

Be sure to allow your team to be who they are without over producing. Keep in mind that the object of the series is to show everyone’s personal side.

Down the road you may want to include one or two of your patients in the cast. This would be an excellent way to increase your dental patient flow as everyone wants to be a star.

4. Podcasts Can Be Huge

Podcasts are a great way to share your dental knowledge. You could start a podcast for video marketing and invite your colleagues in on the production. Podcasts are an excellent way to create a following as well.

Some people can’t get enough of podcasts. According to Dentainment, over 480 million people were hooked on podcasts in 2020 with that number expected to grow to 800 million by the year 2025. That’s a lot of podcasts.

If you were to grab just a small percentage of podcast viewers you and your dental practice could go viral.

Podcasts are popular because they are entertaining, engaging and fun. While dentistry is certainly engaging, no one has ever really thought it was very fun or entertaining maybe a podcast could help change things.

5. Go Live on Social Media

Who doesn’t love a live broadcast on Instagram or Facebook. Even YouTube is getting in on the act.

With that being said it’s important to plan your production. While you don’t have to script everything it’s a good idea to know what you want to do before you do it.

In addition let your fans and followers know ahead of time if you are going live. This helps build the anticipation.

Anticipation is incredible when it comes to building your fan base. The longer you hold out on your live production the better chance you will have of getting more watchers. This means teasers through the two weeks or more before you go live on social media.

Furthermore when you post more often you have a better opportunity of gently reminding your fans and followers of your live broadcast.

6. Stand Out Reviews and Testimonials

While most dental practices shoot video testimonials and reviews the majority film the segments in the office.

Dentainment recommends that you try something new. Switching things up with a different background always creates a stir.

For example, ask your patients to email your marketing department a video review when they get back from your dental practice.

This is a great way to show the audience that your patients are relaxed and ready to tell everyone they are happy with dental care.

People are often nervous and shy in front of the camera when they are around others. When patients are allowed to shoot reviews and testimonials on their own time in their own space you will get an honest and upfront opinion regarding your dental products and services.

7. Your Video Productions

Being prepared is important when it comes to video production. If you recall from this blog not being ready to shoot, having bad lighting or not checking your outdoor location before the big day can have disastrous results.

If you are doing a shoot with guests and patients who took the day off work you may never have the opportunity to shoot with these people again. Make sure you have dotted your I’s and crossed your T’s in preproduction.

Another must when it comes to video production is props. Sometimes all it takes is a toothbrush or laser dentistry tool to bring the entire clip together.

Be clever when adding props to your video marketing productions making sure to keep clutter to a minimum. When it comes to set design less is usually more.

Video Marketing for Dentists

If you still haven’t made the leap to video just yet call and talk to a team member from Dentainment.

With years of experience in all types of dental marketing you’ll get the best advice when it comes to video marketing for dentists.

From educational and entertaining dental videos to how to and question and answer video you won’t go wrong when you work with this powerful dental marketing team.

Additional Dental Marketing Tips

Don’t forget to check out the best and most effective scheduling tool available. NexHealth streamlines dental practices keeping you and your team where you are supposed to be, with patients.

Dental Marketing Videos

For more information regarding video marketing for dentists, or any other type of dental marketing, call or book an appointment online with Dentainment. It’s all the help you need for dental marketing strategies.

Call and schedule your consultation today.







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