
AI Marketing for Your Dental Practice

If all of your dental marketing efforts are falling flat it may have something to do with how you are marketing your dental practice. In other words, you may be doing everything right, you just need to expand your efforts using more modern strategies including AI or artificial intelligence marketing.

While some have been slow to jump on the AI bandwagon, more are coming to the party. This is because the technology has vastly improved since its advent a few years ago.

In fact, the technology has gotten so good that it has surpassed humans in certain tasks.

AI Marketing

While AI isn’t here to take over the planet it can help your dental practice become more productive and efficient. It can also do wonders for your ROI.

AI is a technology that is used to improve your ROI or return on investment. In fact, it’s one of the most popular.

Some good examples include:
  • Google’s RankBrain
  • Air BnB’s Algorithm Pricing
  • Dell’s Automated E-Mails
  • Voice Search for Google
  • Hemingway for Editing

Of course this is only a small sampling of companies that are embracing AI marketing and machine learning.

Dental practices are also getting into the picture with more and more large and small businesses incorporating artificial intelligence into their overall marketing scheme.

Below are some ways that you can include AI into your digital and conventional dental marketing strategies.

1. Content Creation and Generation

Although artificial intelligence can’t write an opinion piece or blog post on the state of the nation, there are some AI tools that can be useful when it comes to bringing traffic to your website.

For example, artificial intelligence already has the capabilities to write news and reports based on information and data.

Tools such as Articoolo, Quill and Wordsmith have helped companies such as Forbes and Associated Press write news. This leads to website traffic.

Using templates to enter keywords and data help create fresh content that is so unique you will think that a person wrote it. You probably read AI content everyday produced by Reuters, the New York Times, CBS and the BBC.

2. Curating Content for Dental Marketing

Generating content isn’t the only thing AI can do for you and your dental practice. Artificial Intelligence can also help user experience connecting with visitors on a regular basis.

This type of technology is more commonly used for personalized recommendations. For example, you will usually see, “people who buy this also buy this.” With that being said it can also do wonders for your dental practice.

Amazon and eBay use this type of AI technology quite often. Netflix and Amazon TV also give people recommendations for TV shows and movies that you may like. Best of all, it is pretty darn accurate.

If you added something like, “patients who try this, have also had this procedure,” you will probably see a boost in website retention. Website retention has never been easier when you incorporate AI into the mix.

Also try including links to relevant articles in your blog. This will help with content curation as well. Interlinking is an excellent way to keep people on your website.

3. Marketing with Email and AI

Dental practices are using AI to personalize email campaigns. If you follow this blog you will recall that personalization is the key when it comes to email marketing and everything else for that matter.

People do not like being a number. When you personalize your email messages you have less chance of ending up in the trash bin.

Using machine or automatic learning helps you and your practice analyze data about your patients and potential ones. It also lets you have the inside scoop when it comes to the best day and time to make contact.

Talk to Dentainment about incorporating AI tools into your email campaigns. It will make your dental marketing efforts that much smoother.

4. Digital Advertising

Without a doubt, digital marketing has been very successful with AI marketing. For instance, Google and Facebook ads use AI and machine learning to find out what makes people click to learn more.

By using information such as likes, dislikes, demographics and interests, the machines are able to determine what is best for the user.

In addition when you incorporate digital marketing into your conventional marketing, such as a QR code on your postcards, you are reaching a larger audience that just may want to become a patient.

5. Searching Online with AI

Searching online has certainly changed over the years with the introduction of voice search among other things.

The biggest advances with AI and search come with SEO for voice search. Alexa, Hey Google and Siri are common all over the world. Just imagine what voice search and AI can do for you and your dental practice.

Keep in mind that advertising on Alexa and Siri is still quite new and something that could really help your business.

Talk to Dentainment about incorporating Alexa and Siri into your overall dental marketing plan. You will be amazed at what it can do for your dental practice.

Don’t forget that when writing for voice search it’s important to write like you speak. Google says that more than 70 percent of searches for Googles Assistant are done so in a conversational and natural tone.

6. Chatbots are Everywhere

Taking the world by storm Chatbots are literally popping up everywhere. Chatbots can streamline your dental practice while saving you and your team member’s time.

Messenger, Slack, Facebook and WhatsApp have already adopted Chatbots into their overall marketing strategies as they are fast and easy.

Adding a Chatbot to your dental marketing plan makes it easy to chat with patients and those who haven’t quite made a decision yet. A Chatbot could be just what you need to convert a visitor into a patient.

Chatbots make it easy to ask questions while providing the right answers when it comes to dental products and services. For example, if someone wants information about dental implants your Chatbot will explain everything needed to get that person to go one step further.

Chatbots use natural and machine learning to come up with the right answer. It’s important to note that Chatbots are available 24 hours a day seven days a week.

Bots also retain data, are friendly and will never lose patience with a patient or a potential one.

7. Predictive Analysis and AI

PA, or predictive analysis, allows you to use machine learning algorithms and data to identify future conclusions based on user history.

Predictive models make it easy to forecast specific patient prospects including the most popular search on your dental website.

It’s important to note that the data you input must be correct. PA is only as good as the data that you input. If your data is incorrect your predictive analysis will be as well.

8. NexHealth Streamlines Your Dental Practice

Right up there at the top of machine learning and AI is NexHealth. This awesome application allows your patients, and potential ones, to make an appointment without picking up the phone. With NexHealth patients can schedule checkups for everyone.

Dental Marketing for the Future

If you would like to learn more about AI marketing, or any other type of advertising for your dental practice call, send a direct message or talk to the Dentainment Chatbot today.

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