
No More Dental Marketing Frustration

If you are becoming frustrated with your dental marketing efforts you aren’t alone. More and more dental practices all over the globe are finding dental marketing tasks increasingly difficult because there are so many funnels to choose from.

Dental Marketing is Ever Changing

Dental marketing is becoming harder and harder to deal with because digital technology is changing. So much so that it takes an army to get your dental marketing campaign from A to B and beyond.

While artificial intelligence, video, social media and text message marketing are excellent new technologies, implementing them into your dental marketing strategies is a different kettle of fish.

Outsourcing Dental Marketing

Dental practices that try to do everything themselves aren’t being very productive. In fact, taking time away from business does more harm than good.

While the dental team can help with an abundance of marketing tasks having professionals onboard streamlines things. Streamlining things is vital when it comes to dental marketing.

Dental marketing now means more than sending out a few postcards every month. Dental marketing in the 21st century should also include a strong social media and video marketing campaign to tie together all efforts.

Some Digital Marketing Tasks to Consider:

  • AI Marketing
  • Text Message Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Community Based Marketing
  • Online Marketing
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Chatbot Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing

Of course these are just a few of the digital marketing techniques that dentists use to market themselves and their dental practice.

As you can see that list in itself is a huge task which is why dental practices often outsource dental marketing for better results.

A Dental Marketing Agency

A dental marketing agency makes your dental practice much more efficient and proficient.

From running the front desk and backend to everything in between having a dental marketing agency onboard keeps everything running as smooth as silk.

If you aren’t sure you want to hire a dental marketing agency on a full time basis think about working with a marketing agency for special projects.

If you are launching a new product or service an agency keeps you one step ahead of the competition as it is your one stop shop for everything marketing.

Of course having a dental tips arsenal up your sleeve doesn’t hurt either.

Dentainment continually ups its game and has these 8 tips to share for your campaign.

1. Video and Dental Marketing

Dentainment cannot stress the importance of video marketing for your practice. Over 50 percent of people prefer watching over reading. That means video is only going to get stronger when it comes to dental marketing.

If you follow this dental blog you will recall that video marketing is something that should be well thought out and planned. While filming on the fly can work in some situations it is always better to have a script and storyboard in place if you are going to shoot something for your dental practice.

2. Personalization is So Important

Remembering someone’s name makes that person feel good AND important. The more you personalize your correspondence the higher your open rate will be with both email and text message marketing.

When you compose your email blasts talk to your dental marketing company about personalization. In addition to addressing each subscriber by name send birthday cards and dental checkup reminders. This is an excellent way for patients to become part of your dental practice family.

3. Text Message Marketing

Streamlining is so important for any business, but especially for dental practices. Text message marketing streamlines your practice making life easier for everyone in the office.

Because your business depends on appointments and reminders text messaging is the perfect way for patients, or potential ones to schedule checkups or professional cleanings. It is also an incredible way to stay in touch with those who aren’t always good about remembering annual dental checkups.

Other ways you can implement text message marketing into your strategies include referral rewards, discounts and coupons.

4. Social Media and Marketing

If you are fed up with social media marketing try something new. When you switch things up a bit you will find a renewed interest in your dental marketing for social media.

For example, become more personal with fans and followers and offer a, “Prize. “ The giveaway could be for anything from referring a new patient to sharing a video post.

Trying different things on social media keeps things fresh and your audience interested in what you have to say.

5. Create a Television Show

While it may seem like a dream you really can host your own television show. Streaming networks like Roku and YouTube make it easy to distribute your hard work whether you want to air a reality series based on your dental practice or host a Q & A with your peers.

Of course if you don’t feel that adventurous you can always talk to television channels about becoming the local dental expert for the news or a syndicated morning show. The more you can promote your dental practice the better.

6. People Love Logos

Most people are huge fans of merchandise. Think about it this way, how many times have you purchased a t-shirt, coffee mug, magnet or hoodie from an event or business? People love to wear logos and what better way to promote your dental practice than with, “Merch.”

Dentainment recommends that you work with a local printer bartering your services for merchandise. In addition you will be able to cross promote each other getting the rest of the community involved as well.

7. Billboards and Signage

Statistics show that digital and conventional billboards are still a fantastic way to promote, especially in the local community.

Drive through your neighborhood and check out the billboards. If the other dentists aren’t taking advantage talk to a dental marketer. Even if they are you can come up with something unique that will help you stand out from the rest of the practices advertising on billboards.

In addition to billboards consider signage next to bus stops and in shopping centers for dental marketing. People still take notice when it comes to billboards and signage.

8. Hold an Event

Holding an event is one of the best ways to attract the attention of the people in your city or town. Everyone loves events and what better way to attract attention to your practice whether you have been a dentist in town forever or are just starting out.

Some of the ways you could get involved include holding free dental care weekends with other dental practices to help those less fortunate. You could also get the rest of the community involved and sponsor a wellness event for the community.

Whenever you get involved with your city or town you are spreading the word about your dental practice.

NexHealth for Your Practice

Implementing the above tips into your marketing strategy will go a long way when it comes to your dental patient flow but so will the NexHealth Scheduling Tool. This amazing tool is the best way to streamline your dental practice.

Dental Marketing with Dentainment

Still need help? Talk to Dentainment who can help you create a bullet proof plan for your dental marketing strategy. Call or send a direct message and have a chat with a team member from Dentainment today.

Digital Marketing for Dentists

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108 AI Dental Marketing Ideas