
Rethinking Your Video Marketing Campaign

If your dental video marketing campaign is falling flat perhaps you just need a little bit of energy and some tips to help you get to the next level. According to Dentainment, dental video production is something that takes time and effort.

Unfortunately, most doctors don’t have additional time to keep up with the added demands of dental video marketing and production. From coming up with different ideas to filming content it takes an army to get you there.

Fortunately, Dentainment can help with that and has some video marketing tips to help you boost your campaign.

Rethink Everything for Video Marketing

If you have had the same YouTube or Vimeo channel for years and are getting the same results that you always have, you may want to consider hiring a professional dental marketing company.

A professional team will help you go through your library to determine what types of clips worked for your dental practice and what video titles you can put on the shelf.

In addition to combing through old videos take a hard look at your brand and how you are representing yourself to the world.

If your old dental videos aren’t flattering to you and your dental practice it is time to get them off of your YouTube and Vimeo pages.

Is Your Video Marketing Campaign Coherent?

One of the most important parts of video production is coherency. If you aren’t making sense when you shoot your how to or demonstration videos you won’t have a very big audience. In fact, videos that don’t make sense could actually hurt your reputation.

Be tough on yourself. If you can’t be, ask someone else to critique your work for video marketing. Sometimes it takes someone who is completely out of your circle to spell out the truth when it comes to your dental videos.

You want impartial reviews when it comes to revamping your brand and your online profile as well. Again, ask your patients, talk to your team and for the real hard truth ask your friends and family.

Are You Being Real with Your Audience?

Being real on camera isn’t easy for everyone. For some it takes guts to get up and talk in front of the lens. If you are one of those people get some acting classes or have a pro come in and show you how to strut your stuff.

You can bet the professionals didn’t get that way overnight. People on camera have honed their craft to be as believable as possible.

Being believable also means being able to carry on a conversation with an audience that really isn’t there.

People can tell if someone is telling the truth from a mile away. Practice being believable on camera and you will be rewarded with more likes, comments and shares.

Are Your Videos Boring?

Your videos need to stand out from the competition for video marketing but doing so isn’t always easy. Try shooting something completely different for your dental brand. For example, if you are always showing how to or product demonstration clips try something different.

Go behind the scenes once a week or shoot a monthly party at the dental practice. You can even do a monthly live celebration with your team member of the month. There are so many things you can do, especially when you get the rest of your dental team involved.

Another way to start something new is to film a dental television show. Make your stars the patients, of course with their permission, or film a funny show based on the antics of you and your dental team.

Take a Closer Look

When you analyze your videos look at everything including your background, foreground and lighting.

If the majority of videos on your platforms are dark, suffer from low volume or just look tired it is time to say good bye and start fresh with some new dental videos.

Lighting, background and foreground are all things to be considered when you light and design your set. Lighting is important whether you are shooting in or outdoors.

Be sure to check out your props as well. If they look old it’s time to go with something new. Something that will make your set pop for video marketing.

In addition to props make sure that your furniture is standing the test of time as well. You may want to go with a new look, especially if your leather sectional seems dated.

Dental videos don’t have to be boring and they won’t be when you get a professional dental marketing company involved.

New Dental Videos for Marketing

After you have gone through the videos that you are going to keep and the videos that you are going to send packing it is time to think about new content.

Researching before you do anything is just as important as pre-production, production and post production for video marketing.

Good research means finding the locations that are best before the shoot day and having a script and storyboard in place. If you are having guests, be sure they are prepped and prepared before the camera starts rolling.

Have your production assistant talk to your guests about wardrobe as well. If you follow this dental blog you will remember the importance of wardrobe on camera.

In addition you will want to research your subject matter. If you are doing product videos talk to the suppliers beforehand. This will ensure that everything is on set before you start filming.

Social Media and Video Marketing

These days video marketing is nothing without social media marketing. Platforms such as TikTok, Facebook and Instagram have gone above and beyond where YouTube and Vimeo left off.

While YouTube and Vimeo are absolutely essential tools for your dental video marketing strategies, platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and even Pinterest can do marvelous things for your online presence as well.

With a good social media marketing campaign you can go live, create stories or long form video for fans and followers. There is literally nothing you can’t do on social media when it comes to marketing your dental practice.

If you are stuck when it comes to posting on social media check out what other dentists are doing. It never hurts to see what your competition is up to on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.

Go Live with Dental Marketing Once a Month

One of the best ways to give your video marketing campaign a boost is to schedule a live broadcast once a month  for your dental practice.

Your content could be anything from hosting a dental day for those less fortunate to showing off new products and services.

When you go live people listen and are more inclined to check out the rest of your online profiles and your dental marketing videos as well.

If you are going to go live, whether it’s once a month or twice a year, it is essential that you let your audience know about it.

Give your fans and followers plenty of time in advance so that they can circle the date. Plenty of live broadcasts have been ruined because no one knew that the dental practice was going live.

Dental Marketing in Today’s World

Another way to keep up with today’s market is to try the NexHealth scheduling tool. This awesome scheduling tool keeps you and your dental team free to handle the important things. The important things such as video marketing for your dental practice.

If you would like to learn more about video marketing for your dental practice or are interested in a new website for your business, send a direct message and schedule a consultation with Dentainment today.

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