
Video Marketing Stronger than Ever

If you are in the throes of coming up with new marketing strategies for your dental practice you may also want to consider video marketing for dentists.

Because video is more popular than ever there has never been a better time to begin planning your strategies for the coming year.

Video Marketing for Dentists

If you follow this blog you will recall that people are consuming more video than ever. In fact, video is more popular than pictures and texts put together, especially when it comes to dental marketing.

Getting your ideas on to paper is important when it comes to video marketing, but that’s not all. According to Dentainment there are some other things you can do when it comes to putting your plan into action.

Video Marketing Tips for Dentists

1. Start with a Plan

Planning is the starting point regardless of what you are doing. With video you need a strong plan before you even consider what you are going to shoot.

If you don’t have a clue, talk to your team members and have a word with your patients. Your patients are the people that will shout your praises to the world. Ask what they would like to see on screen.

You might be surprised to learn that most people want to see the fun side of dentistry when it comes to video marketing for dentists.

2. Be Prepared

Being prepared is the second step in the process. Once you have a plan in place you will want to begin your pre-production.

During pre-production you will write your script and storyboard, source your location and crew. If it is a long shoot be sure to have plenty of water and snacks on hand for talent and crew.

In addition, do a test run well in advance regardless of location. This is especially important if you are shooting outdoors. Weather has ruined more than one production for video marketing.

Furthermore, you will want to have talent release forms on hand in case someone gets into a shot that you just can’t do without in post-production.

3. Shooting Your Video

Shoot day is important as you have most likely put much time and effort into pre-production.

Make sure you check and recheck your location, crew, talent and equipment. Forgetting your umbrella lights for a crucial scene could be a recipe for disaster for your video marketing plan.

Be sure that you are ready to go if you are on camera as well. Have your script on point and if you are interviewing someone else be sure you have briefed your guest a few days before hand. This will ensure a smooth experience for everyone involved.

Dentainment for Dentists

If you would like help with your video marketing strategies, or anything else such as scheduling for your dental practice send a direct message.

NexHealth is the answer and has the best system when it comes to dental practice scheduling.

For all of your video marketing needs you won’t do better than Dentainment. Schedule a chat with the team today.

Digital Marketing for Dentists

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